Item | Drop rate |
Bits | 15.6887% |
XP | 12.551% |
Orange Flags | 4.1732% |
Orange Flag | 4.1732% |
Blue Flags | 4.1732% |
Yellow Flags | 4.1732% |
Pink Flags | 4.1732% |
Bale Of Hay | 3.4829% |
Gems | 3.1377% |
Well | 3.1377% |
Purple Wedding Flowers | 3.1377% |
Diamond Banner | 3.1377% |
Small Flower Bush | 2.0709% |
Tall Haystack | 1.6316% |
Presents | 1.5689% |
Wide Haystack | 1.3806% |
Plant Creature Pony | 1.2551% |
Tree | 1.2551% |
Candy Cane | 1.2551% |
Apple Tree | 1.2551% |
Elegant Hippogriff Statues | 1.0982% |
Rare Frame | 1.0982% |
Pile of Hay | 1.0668% |
Canterlot Right Hedge | 0.9727% |
Trendy Camera | 0.9413% |
Snail | 0.9413% |
Pith Helmet | 0.9413% |
Lily Emblem | 0.9413% |
Hourglass | 0.9413% |
Horseshoe Trio | 0.9413% |
Glamorous Accessories | 0.9413% |
Firefighter's Gear | 0.9413% |
Dapper Mustache | 0.9413% |
Rare Avatar | 0.9413% |
Large Apple Tree | 0.8158% |
Large Flower Bush | 0.7844% |
Big Macintosh | 0.6275% |
Balloons | 0.6275% |
Small Apple Orchard | 0.6275% |
Planet Fountain | 0.6275% |
Wreath | 0.502% |
Small Barns | 0.502% |
Small Pond | 0.4079% |
Festive Lantern | 0.3138% |
Twinkleshine | 0.251% |
Elite Pony | 0.1883% |
Wheat Patch | 0.1883% |
Twilight's Banner | 0.1883% |
Large Barn | 0.1883% |
Dapper PTC Member | 0.1569% |
Cheery Zebra | 0.1569% |
Longhorn's Goat | 0.1255% |
Flim | 0.1255% |
Rodeo Enclosure | 0.1255% |
Pyramid-Shaped Temple | 0.1255% |
Trixie Lulamoon | 0.0941% |
Spectator Pony | 0.0941% |
Wind Fan | 0.0941% |
Phonograph | 0.0941% |
Globe | 0.0941% |
Mr. Breezy | 0.0628% |
Cherry Berry | 0.0628% |
Apple Cinnamon | 0.0628% |
Water Tower | 0.0628% |
Waterfall Tower | 0.0628% |
Twilight's Chariot | 0.0628% |
Sun and Moon Statue | 0.0628% |
Snowball-Ponies | 0.0628% |
Red Wedding Flowers | 0.0628% |
Ice Sculpture | 0.0628% |
Huge Train Set | 0.0628% |
Discord Statue | 0.0628% |
Large Clock Tower | 0.0628% |
Large Christmas Tree | 0.0628% |
Candy Vase | 0.0628% |
Twist | 0.0314% |
Twilight Velvet | 0.0314% |
Octavia Melody | 0.0314% |
Frederick Horseshoepin | 0.0314% |
Sassaflash | 0.0314% |
Apple Fritter | 0.0314% |
Wedding Presents | 0.0314% |
Guard Statue | 0.0314% |
Celestia Statue | 0.0314% |
Unicorn Statue | 0.0314% |
Spring Clock | 0.0314% |
Harvest-Ready Tree | 0.0314% |
Applejack's Booth | 0.0314% |
Coronation Steps | 0.0314% |
Chicken Coop | 0.0314% |
Magic Scroll Shop | 0.0001% |
Jewelry Shop | 0.0001% |
Traveling Mare | 0.0001% |
Traveling Gentlecolt | 0.0001% |
Sapphire Shores | 0.0001% |
Princess Celestia | 0.0001% |
Lyrica Lilac | 0.0001% |
Joe | 0.0001% |
Golden Harvest | 0.0001% |
Fine Line | 0.0001% |
Beauty Brass | 0.0001% |
A. K. Yearling | 0.0001% |
Royal Guard Statue | 0.0001% |
Pony Statue | 0.0001% |
Silo | 0.0001% |
Rainbow Falls | 0.0001% |
Pegasus Banner | 0.0001% |
Luna's Chariot | 0.0001% |
Blue Banner | 0.0001% |